Café Zara


I am a nihilist

I don't want to be put into the axis of evil. I do not like fundamentalists and especially not terrorists, even for very personal reasons:
  • they make life difficult!
  • they normally have an extremely old fashioned taste, most notably concerning hair cuts!
  • they have this annoying type of social hyperactivity, meaning: they just won't leave you alone!
  • I think they are problem bears people.
Never the less I fear that they are a nasty product, like cancer from smoking or being turfed out for having an affair or a hang over. I mean, I don't make friendly overtures to neither Israel nor the Saudi family. I'm not a masochist - I dislike bombings.
A remnant of idealist dreaming is noursihed by organisations like
Coalition of Women for Peace and the tiny, little rest of pragmatism tells me to hold a pistole to Israeli/Palestinian heads, make two states no matter what and get some troops in their to settle the border one day ( building a proper wall between them might actually be a good cooling-down method).

But nihilism is stronger: Nuke them! And the Whales! And lets go back to the trees or better to the seas!