Café Zara



I wish you a wonderful Christmas
and a Happy New Year!

Ich wünsche euch wunderbare Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr




I hope 2006 was a good year or at least one to keep in mind; for those for whom it was not: be glad it's over.

Time flies, so does time abroad and I'll be back in Europe within no time - and I remember that YOU owe me money!

To all my buddies here at CUHK - I hope to have found some good friends here, glad I met you all and I realy, realy hope we will stay in touch! Scotty has not finished the timemachine on time, so I cannot fix some last issues, but the mysterious self-deception of human psychology can solve all problems.
Please write me some emails and feel invited to any of my domiciles: this does include the ominous windmill and the bridge in Paris!

2007 will bring about some change: change can be considered as good or as bad. Zungzi on the other hand said its natural and you should go with the flow and as a companion of nature, better hugg some trees on the way (this whole Zungzi-stuff is something I actually learned at schol)!

I need to go now, I have some travelling to do for a couple of weeks.
- talk to you later!


  • Hi ma petit!

    Just wanted to put something on your blog. Glad that you're having a nice time besides college, already over soon......indeed time flies!
    I want to wish you a great time travelling in 'the far east'. Also a nice 'Christmas' and a 'happy new year'. See you again in February.
    I love you.

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 9/12/06  

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