I am staying at Chinese University Hong Kong. The Campus is about half an hour from the city away, a little more, if you wanna go to Hong Kong Island.
The whole Campus seems to be a maze of pathways and buildings, spread over the mountains of the new territories. The climate is almost tropical and trees and all kinds of plants are covering the mountains. Walking up the hills is risky: one gets lost extremely easy! And I would suggest they should install showers at some points - hiking in 35 degrees with nearly 100% humidity is pretty sweaty!
I still need to plan my courses for the upcomming semester and I will be far more relaxed when that organizational issue is settled!
Hostel life is another new experience for me: Females and males live on different floors, their are visitor regulations and a couple of other rules. I consider it to be a very "informative experience" ... if you know what I mean!

We even have a college song:
Men from four seas founded Chung Chi so that here might youth honour christ, eternal teacher, who himself is truth. Through the long night keep the torch bright and the work begun till the lights of faith and knowledge show the world made one. China's stilll evolving culture, grateful we retain East and West through freely sharing, further strength obtain. By the church upheld and nurtured, minds to duty drawn Chung Chi, toward the very highest lead us on and on!
CUHK has 4 Colleges and students are assigned to one of them. Sounds like Hogwards! Just the part with the hat was missing!