Turkey 2007

We did the normal Lonely Planet loop from Istanbul heading south up to Capadokia (wiki). And guess what, surprise, surprise, the hostels where packed with the usual bunch of Kiwis and Aussis – the best travellers nations!
In Turkey I found myself confronted with my own prejudices and misinformation.
But I have seen a country with ambitions and potential (Coca Cola and the advertisement giants realized that aswell). I have seen a country that does not differ much from any other Southern European country. I didn’t see too many women inhabiting the coffee houses of Greece back in the 1980s. What were the economic conditions of Spain before it joined the EU? There is potential for change and development.
Turkish people deserve a price: they are the most hospitable people I have met on my jurneys. (I consider the fact, that each and every man wanted at least to be my one-night bf, but still!) People in Istanbul tried to show us the way whenever possible. You could turn to anyone with any question! Now being back... it´s lonely here.
My trip rating:
- Istanbul is my absolut favourite city, still on second sight. Istanbul is lively and young bussling of culture and activity and a vivid club scene. I bet it´s going to boost in art and taste of music soon! It´s the most beautiful city I know (sorry Hong Kong, you miss out by far). (Sad to mention, but a fair must: poverty, gated communities and a complete lack of public transportation ;)
- Pamukkale became my favourite in terms of beautiful sights!
- Olympos was my favourite party place – Mel, it was a realy nice evening in deed!
- No go: Kusadasi taught me not even to consider to go to any of the other mass tourist hot spots invaded by Dutch, Germans and British. I fled form blinking lights, souvenir shops and Aqua Parks.
My unanswered trip question:
- If there is no water in Turkey ... WHY is every city immediately building fountains and parks with grass as soon as they can afford it? And shouldn’t someone stop the insane desire for Aqua Parks and pools?

Libellés : EU accession, holidays, Turkey
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