Café Zara


Brussels 2007

Belgium has something to offer, that is extraordinary in Europe: cheap trainrides. In politics, we call it best-practice: pick the South African constitution, the Scandinavian social system and definetly Belgian train prices when you become dictator (?) of your own state ( One can buy ten tickets for €65 (45 if you´re younger than 26).
So I´ve been to our wonderful European capital quite a few times lately. The European Quarter is pretty much occupied by serious people in suits and overpriced bars, but there is also the African quarter or the touristy market square (with a freaky café: the tables are replaced by real coffins!) and its cute tiny streets around.

(I´ll add some pictures as soon as my camera, which I forgot in Beligum, will be returned to me after finishing a Europe trip Belgium-Czech-Netherlands... this camera is behaving like the dwarf in Amelie lately....)