HK - starting off with some ranking
What is Hongkong? - let's do some serious ranking.
Please have in mind that any index is made according to a certain political agenda, as all social science students know: objectivity is highly philosophical and lays in the eyes of the beholder!
City: Hong Kong [Wiki]
State: "People's Republic" of China
Inhabitants: ~7 mio
Press Freedom Index 2005, published by: Reporters sans Frontier
Hong Kong, rank: 39
[Netherlands:1, China: 159]
Corruption Perception Index 2005, published by Transparency International [Wiki]
Hong Kong, rank:15
[New Zealand:2, Namibia:47, China:78]
Human Development Index 2003, published by: United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Hong Kong rank 22
[UK:15, Greece:24, China:85]
Satisfaction with life published by Adrian White (Psychologist at University of Leicester)
Hong Kong, rank: 63
[Bhutan:8, China:82]
Index of Economic Freedom 2006, published by: Heritage Foundation [Wiki] (an influencial, conservative US 'republican' research institute)
Hong Kong, rank: 1
[US:9, Sweden:19]